CBD transformation requires employers and property landlords to provide staff with what matters most CBD transformation requires employers and property landlords to provide staff with what matters most Skip to main content

CBD transformation requires employers and property landlords to provide staff with what matters most

The CBD is undergoing a transformation according to many business leaders and workplace experts – and this transformation is forcing employers and the commercial property sector across Australia to think more creatively and to collaborate in new ways to continue to attract more workers back into our cities.

According to The Future of Work survey from PwC 66% of respondents said they would prefer to connect with people at a physical workplace than work remotely. CBD-based businesses can use this strong desire for connectivity to their advantage, to attract and retain talent. 

However, based on The Office Clash survey of Australian workers in May 2022 by RMIT Online, 71% of them want to work at least one day from home and 56% want more than one. Factors including age, commute distance, and current office working models all affected the results, as 60% of employee respondents claimed that saving money was one of their primary reasons for not wanting to go back to the office according to the study.

Ways of working have changed permanently; flexible commuting is here to stay, and workplaces are likely to continue to be more transient and tailored to the demands of a hybrid workforce.

The question that remains is how can employers and property landlords adapt to this new reality?

Employee benefits, beyond remuneration, are becoming increasingly critical in attracting and retaining talent in a tight labour market and in encouraging workers back into offices.

A competitive package includes rewards and benefits that are aligned with employees’ values and needs.

Research from Transurban shows that one in four commuters are changing the way they travel to work with most of them switching from public transport to private vehicles. So, employers – and by extension property landlords – who can make the commute easier and more cost effective for more employees will be highly valued.

To encourage employees to return to the office, employers must respond to what they now value the most: convenience, flexibility, value, and ease. To accommodate this, parking operators like us need to continue to improve the parking experience by providing even more convenient and flexible parking options.

The challenge for employers is to implement new ways to manage and maximise the usage of their parking capacity, while also providing a solution that is easy for staff to use and seamless and convenient technology experience.

Our newly created technology platform and app, Shuffle, provides landlords and businesses with an enterprise solution with flexibility to self-manage manage their staff parking.

Shuffle provides an end-to-end parking management technology solution, allowing companies to maximise their available parking allocation. Shuffle comprises three key elements: Administration Portal, Staff Parking App and Shuffle Access.

We’re committed to working with the commercial property sector and businesses to ensure the transformation of our CBDs is swift and effective by making cost-effective parking accessible to more people and to provide technological solutions to employers and landlords. To achieve this, we have ensured Shuffle is not limited to Wilson Parking car parks – it can work in almost any car park. The technology enables tenants to maximise parking within their existing parking infrastructure, whether that’s bays in a public or private car park.

Commuters want more convenient ways to prepay for their parking to reduce stress, provide more flexibility and reliability. Shuffle is an important step in supporting business to more efficiently and effectively cater to the new ways their employees want to work and commute, and an opportunity for landlords to offer their commercial tenants more value in this flexible era.

Contact our team to find out more on how Shuffle can help your business.